Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education, Shop Clothes Online, Radiology Information Social Work and Education
We're off for our final holiday of the year, until Christmas that is. Two locations, down to see the in-laws for a few days of relaxing with them and then off abroad for hopefully a bit of sunshine!
Things have been busy but I'm getting much much closer to being able to spill the beans on the Big&Scary, hopefully in a couple more weeks! And feeling a hell of a lot more positive about it all, so all's good.
Wishing all UK bound bloggers a fabulous long weekend and for everyone else hope you have a lovely weekend!
Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education, Shop Clothes Online, Radiology Information Social Work and Education
I found out this morning that I am now a thrice Auntie and the two most recent additions to my brood have come in the last four weeks. Which has all been very exciting. Both are little girls and both born with lots of hair! (Which I happen to think is very cute in a baby)
But what's so nice about all of this is that I have been learning (a little) about pregnancy and birth from my sisters. Which both fascinates and scares the s**t out of me. I think pregnancy is such a miracle and all that the body does is amazing. There was a time when I thought about midwifery but I think I'm not cut out for it. Although getting to help with the experience of bringing new babies in the world every day, wow. So for now I shall stick with the delight of babies without actually having one.
This is because I don't think that just yet I am at that baby stage. In fact I'm more than certain I'm not ready at the moment. There are too many other things I want to do first, which is not to say I don't ever want to have babies but not just yet.
It gets you thinking though, seeing other people's babies, especially those related to me, makes me think about my own one day...
But what's so nice about all of this is that I have been learning (a little) about pregnancy and birth from my sisters. Which both fascinates and scares the s**t out of me. I think pregnancy is such a miracle and all that the body does is amazing. There was a time when I thought about midwifery but I think I'm not cut out for it. Although getting to help with the experience of bringing new babies in the world every day, wow. So for now I shall stick with the delight of babies without actually having one.
This is because I don't think that just yet I am at that baby stage. In fact I'm more than certain I'm not ready at the moment. There are too many other things I want to do first, which is not to say I don't ever want to have babies but not just yet.
It gets you thinking though, seeing other people's babies, especially those related to me, makes me think about my own one day...
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Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education, Shop Clothes Online, Radiology Information Social Work and Education
Posted by Fashion Editor at Large
Rather love this Miu Miu AW10 campiagn film above. The "girls in a photo-booth" fashion film was apparently directed by Madonna who "just popped into the studio" [Grazia Daily] and took over the proceedings from the photographers of the campiagn, Mert & Marcus.. Sounds like her to take over. But could it really have happened like that?? Mert & Marcus like to be in control as much as she does... I smell a publicity conspiracy! And a good one at that! The film is cute and good too.
ANYWAY. What I enjoyed as much, if not more that the Miu Miu film is the soundtrack to it. The music is a remix of Boy George's brilliant Generations of Love track from his 1990 album The Martyr Mantra. In fact Madonna has cited this album in several interviews, saying she loves it.
Being a life-long Boy George fan I have to say Madonna is spot on. This song and the album it came from is one of his finest hours. And just look how beautiful he was in 1990.
Rather love this Miu Miu AW10 campiagn film above. The "girls in a photo-booth" fashion film was apparently directed by Madonna who "just popped into the studio" [Grazia Daily] and took over the proceedings from the photographers of the campiagn, Mert & Marcus.. Sounds like her to take over. But could it really have happened like that?? Mert & Marcus like to be in control as much as she does... I smell a publicity conspiracy! And a good one at that! The film is cute and good too.
ANYWAY. What I enjoyed as much, if not more that the Miu Miu film is the soundtrack to it. The music is a remix of Boy George's brilliant Generations of Love track from his 1990 album The Martyr Mantra. In fact Madonna has cited this album in several interviews, saying she loves it.
Being a life-long Boy George fan I have to say Madonna is spot on. This song and the album it came from is one of his finest hours. And just look how beautiful he was in 1990.
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Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education, Shop Clothes Online, Radiology Information Social Work and Education
Posted by Fashion Editor at Large
Meet Daxita. This woman changed the dimensions of my face for me last weekend. It took her an hour. Upon leaving her room in the basement of the busy and award-winning hair and beauty salon Atherton & Cox in central London, my best friend over from San Francisco said "girl, you've gotta get this done all the time, you look haaawwt."
There are three lash-style options. "Disco" are obviously party lashes, longer at the outer edge in the manner of Jessica Rabbit. "Natural" are an uber version of a natural set of lashes; thick, long and glossy, but not at alll fancy and could, if you were really blessed, be real.
I went for a cross between the two; what Daxita calls the "Beautiful" look.
"I'm using three lengths of lashes, 9mm, 11mm, and 14mm to create lashes that enhance your eye shape, and create a long lash which curl at the end for a dramatic look," she told me while my eyes were shut tight.
Who was I to argue? Following the extensions, Daxita threaded my eyebrows teasing a shape from them I didn't think possible.
Daxita can be found at Atherton and Cox
The procedure is not cheap hence you want the lashes to last at least three to four weeks.
In order for that to happen, you need NOT to rub your eyes, (which you will want to do in the first couple of days) not let your lashes get terribly wet in the shower, and avoid rubbing your eyes with a towel.
Vigorous rubbing etc can dislodge them, and when one or two go, lash watching can become a bit obsessive.
Thats all!
Meet Daxita. This woman changed the dimensions of my face for me last weekend. It took her an hour. Upon leaving her room in the basement of the busy and award-winning hair and beauty salon Atherton & Cox in central London, my best friend over from San Francisco said "girl, you've gotta get this done all the time, you look haaawwt."
Daxita Vaghela - "the Eyelash Angel"
How did Daxita change my face? She applied lush eyelash extensions to my short, straight and unremarkable lashes. A few friends of mine had them, and instead of noticing the extensions, the impression was of a remarkably healthy, bright eyed, groomed and, crucially, younger and more dewy friend. After much slitting of eyes in the "go on, admit you've had Botox" variety, they told me about Daxita. Well, reader, I was on the phone to her salon in seconds.
What happened in her "second on the right" room, was that I lay down and closed my eyes. Then Daxita put Indian trance music on the iPod and began. Deftly, speedily and oh-so-gently she set about sticking individual synthetic hairs, (you can see them below), onto my individual lashes.
Daxita uses one tweezer to isolate a lash, the other to pick up the synthetic lash, dip the end in black glue and apply it, thus extending said lash.
There are three lash-style options. "Disco" are obviously party lashes, longer at the outer edge in the manner of Jessica Rabbit. "Natural" are an uber version of a natural set of lashes; thick, long and glossy, but not at alll fancy and could, if you were really blessed, be real.
"I'm using three lengths of lashes, 9mm, 11mm, and 14mm to create lashes that enhance your eye shape, and create a long lash which curl at the end for a dramatic look," she told me while my eyes were shut tight.
Who was I to argue? Following the extensions, Daxita threaded my eyebrows teasing a shape from them I didn't think possible.
Looking a bit naked around the eyes
"You're looking well, Melanie...what have you done?"
Not quite ready for my close-up, but just focus on the divine lashes, OK?
What makes Daxita so amazing is that she has the eye of an artist, and is able to instinctively bring out the best in an individuals face. It is no wonder that she is fast becoming Londons go-to girl for all matters lash. I cannot recomend her highly enough.
Daxita can be found at Atherton and Cox
Daxita Lashes – Full Set (60mins) £150, Half Set (45mins) £95, Maintenance (30mins) £45, Lashes Removal (15mins) £15
Daxita Brow Threading - £30
The procedure is not cheap hence you want the lashes to last at least three to four weeks.
In order for that to happen, you need NOT to rub your eyes, (which you will want to do in the first couple of days) not let your lashes get terribly wet in the shower, and avoid rubbing your eyes with a towel.
Vigorous rubbing etc can dislodge them, and when one or two go, lash watching can become a bit obsessive.
Thats all!
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Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education, Shop Clothes Online, Radiology Information Social Work and Education
Posted by Fashion Editor at Large
One is a creative romantic. The other a pragmatic and powerful businesswoman at the very top of her game. Together they are an inspiration for how far anyone in my line of business can take their career, if they want to. I just felt the urge to share two items of new information on Grace Coddington and Anna Wintour. Anna even - shock horror - uses the word "blog."
Good news! Grace Coddington has confirmed she is to pen an autobiography with the help of her friend and collaborator Jay Fielden who also worked with her on her giant orange tome Grace: 30 Years of fashion at Vogue.
“We’re just starting, and I think it’s going to be a really fun project,” Grace told WWD. In typically self-deprecating style she also added: “I’m hoping it’s going to be very rich in fashion history. It’s more than just about me.
On his Opening website today Humberto Leon interviews Anna Wintour about Fashions Night Out. Here are my favourite bits of the interview.
Humberto Leon: "We were surprised to find ourselves geeking out with Anna on 'Like a Prayer'-era Madonna, her iPad, lost Soho oculists, and what prompted her to put a pair of jeans on the cover of Vogue in 1988. Of course, the order of the day was Fashion's Night Out, the event she developed last year to jumpstart global retail.
Humberto: What's new for Fashion's Night Out (FNO) this year?
Anna Wintour: This year we have a CBS documentary on the making of the event, and we’re staging the largest public fashion show in New York’s history with some of the world’s top models. It will be a carnival-style celebration like last year, only bigger and better, with more cities and retailers participating.
Traditionally, shows are industry events, so this is unique as we’re staging it for the consumer. Not only will shoppers preview the best trends for fall on many of the world’s most recognized models, but they will also have the opportunity to purchase those trends on Fashion’s Night Out. No matter their style or budget, anyone can translate the latest trends to suit their tastes and wardrobe.
HL: What is a change you've seen in the fashion industry since the first FNO?
AW: I believe consumer confidence is being restored. People are out there shopping again without the level of guilt or concern of the previous year. Also, it’s built community amongst designers and retailers, both competitors and otherwise, and brought together all aspects of American culture and arts, which is an exciting aspect in and of itself. It’s a time of the year when fashion cities around the world are united in a cause, which is wonderful.
HL: Do you read fashion blogs, and if so, which ones are your favorites?
AW: Yes, of course. We’ve featured many bloggers in Vogue. Hanneli Mustaparta and Rachel Chandler are regular contributors to
HL: How do you think fashion blogs have affected magazine content?
AW: Like any evolution in the industry, they force you to become better at what you do. Vogue’s in-depth articles and beautiful fashion stories, along with coverage of the arts within a fashion context, is not something that exists in the same way on blogs. They force us to dig deeper for stories, but we’re not competitors; we serve different markets.
One is a creative romantic. The other a pragmatic and powerful businesswoman at the very top of her game. Together they are an inspiration for how far anyone in my line of business can take their career, if they want to. I just felt the urge to share two items of new information on Grace Coddington and Anna Wintour. Anna even - shock horror - uses the word "blog."
Good news! Grace Coddington has confirmed she is to pen an autobiography with the help of her friend and collaborator Jay Fielden who also worked with her on her giant orange tome Grace: 30 Years of fashion at Vogue.
“We’re just starting, and I think it’s going to be a really fun project,” Grace told WWD. In typically self-deprecating style she also added: “I’m hoping it’s going to be very rich in fashion history. It’s more than just about me.
On his Opening website today Humberto Leon interviews Anna Wintour about Fashions Night Out. Here are my favourite bits of the interview.
Humberto Leon: "We were surprised to find ourselves geeking out with Anna on 'Like a Prayer'-era Madonna, her iPad, lost Soho oculists, and what prompted her to put a pair of jeans on the cover of Vogue in 1988. Of course, the order of the day was Fashion's Night Out, the event she developed last year to jumpstart global retail.
Humberto: What's new for Fashion's Night Out (FNO) this year?
Anna Wintour: This year we have a CBS documentary on the making of the event, and we’re staging the largest public fashion show in New York’s history with some of the world’s top models. It will be a carnival-style celebration like last year, only bigger and better, with more cities and retailers participating.
Traditionally, shows are industry events, so this is unique as we’re staging it for the consumer. Not only will shoppers preview the best trends for fall on many of the world’s most recognized models, but they will also have the opportunity to purchase those trends on Fashion’s Night Out. No matter their style or budget, anyone can translate the latest trends to suit their tastes and wardrobe.
HL: What is a change you've seen in the fashion industry since the first FNO?
AW: I believe consumer confidence is being restored. People are out there shopping again without the level of guilt or concern of the previous year. Also, it’s built community amongst designers and retailers, both competitors and otherwise, and brought together all aspects of American culture and arts, which is an exciting aspect in and of itself. It’s a time of the year when fashion cities around the world are united in a cause, which is wonderful.
HL: Do you read fashion blogs, and if so, which ones are your favorites?
AW: Yes, of course. We’ve featured many bloggers in Vogue. Hanneli Mustaparta and Rachel Chandler are regular contributors to
HL: How do you think fashion blogs have affected magazine content?
AW: Like any evolution in the industry, they force you to become better at what you do. Vogue’s in-depth articles and beautiful fashion stories, along with coverage of the arts within a fashion context, is not something that exists in the same way on blogs. They force us to dig deeper for stories, but we’re not competitors; we serve different markets.
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Polpetto - Review
Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education, Shop Clothes Online, Radiology Information Social Work and Education

J and I went to Polpetto on Saturday night, I had managed to book a table for the preview evening and was super excited to go having been to Polpo a few times and absolutely loving it there.
And so we arrived, to this little room about the French House on Dean Street which had sweet simple tables, lovely big mirrors and the same light bulbs as Polpo. Luckily enough we got a table next to the window so enjoyed the breeze coming through as we ate.
Deciding what to eat wasn't easy, it all sounded yummy and there's a fair choice (although not quite as many dishes as Polpo). In the end we went for a mix of Cicheti, breads, meat and fish dishes and some vegetables.
As we had a few dishes I'll list them and highlight the ones I really really loved:
Melanzane Parmigiana (small bite)
Smoked Swordfish, lemon and dill ricotta (small bite)
Fig and Salami bruschetta
Zucchinni friti
Pea, Fennel and Ricotta salad
Sliced flank steak with white truffle cream
Pigeon Saltimbocca
Soft shell crab in parmesan batter
Pannacotta and blackberries
Tiramisu Pot

Those in bold were the ones which really got me excited, especially the steak, that truffle cream made me a very very happy girl. (On the right in the photo above, it was amazing!)
The food overall was all great, I love being able to eat a selection of smaller dishes and so having a different meal everytime which is flexible to what I feel like that evening. I could keep going back just to try all the dishes.
Plus I would keep going back because the atmosphere is lovely. It's relaxed, attentive and fun. We were able to enjoy ourselves, catch up, relax and then just make mmmmmm noises with each mouthful without feeling self-conscious or stupid.
In brief I would recommend it, it's a lovely place for dining in. Either at Polpetto or Polpo, both have that great atmosphere and fabulous food which keeps you going back for more.
And so we arrived, to this little room about the French House on Dean Street which had sweet simple tables, lovely big mirrors and the same light bulbs as Polpo. Luckily enough we got a table next to the window so enjoyed the breeze coming through as we ate.
Deciding what to eat wasn't easy, it all sounded yummy and there's a fair choice (although not quite as many dishes as Polpo). In the end we went for a mix of Cicheti, breads, meat and fish dishes and some vegetables.

Melanzane Parmigiana (small bite)
Smoked Swordfish, lemon and dill ricotta (small bite)
Fig and Salami bruschetta
Zucchinni friti
Pea, Fennel and Ricotta salad
Sliced flank steak with white truffle cream
Pigeon Saltimbocca
Soft shell crab in parmesan batter
Pannacotta and blackberries
Tiramisu Pot

Those in bold were the ones which really got me excited, especially the steak, that truffle cream made me a very very happy girl. (On the right in the photo above, it was amazing!)
The food overall was all great, I love being able to eat a selection of smaller dishes and so having a different meal everytime which is flexible to what I feel like that evening. I could keep going back just to try all the dishes.
Plus I would keep going back because the atmosphere is lovely. It's relaxed, attentive and fun. We were able to enjoy ourselves, catch up, relax and then just make mmmmmm noises with each mouthful without feeling self-conscious or stupid.
In brief I would recommend it, it's a lovely place for dining in. Either at Polpetto or Polpo, both have that great atmosphere and fabulous food which keeps you going back for more.
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Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education, Shop Clothes Online, Radiology Information Social Work and Education
Posted by Fashion Editor at Large
The reason I was obsessing about Brooke Shields last week was because I heard the business was re-issuing the jean she wore in the famous adverts from 1980, and the thought excited me. To my mind jeans are totally off-trend. The thought of squeezing into my old skinny jeans abhors my mind (and my body), and yet the shape of the "Brooke" jeans strikes me as the only jean shape that seems entirely right for now.
Lets examine the form. The big return to trousers as a fashion staple is upon us for Autumn. Gap have used trousers as the backbone of their Autumn collection. The best trousers now are higher waisted, hug the hips, lengthen the legs.
In fact, so right for now is this jean, that when news leaked last week that Calvin Klein Jeans were issuing a 2010 update to the 1980 jean Brooke modelled, their phones went into meltdown with people asking for the shape.
Calvin Klein insist the jeans are not identical, more of an update on the style, but that snug fit on the rear, and the cheeky baby-kick are in place making them perfect to wear with the tucked-in feminine silky blouses and petit-stiletto's or college-inspired flats that are about to hit the shops.
This jean shape really does have it all – it minimises thighs, accentuates the hip/waist ratio, lengthens legs, and looks totally now to boot. It is not just Calvin Klein who are picking up on their iconic denim looks of the early 80’s, we have found similar styles that span the price spectrum. In the name of sharing the jean love, here they all are!
So all you have to do now is take your pick! Trust us, nothing will come between you and your jeans all season...Nothing!
(Brooke Shields image copyright Calvin Klein/Richard Avedon archive)
Brooke Shields (aged 15!) in the iconic campaign shot by Richard Avedon wearing CK jeans and a shirt that looks remarkably like one by Equipment, my go-to shirt/blouse provider for A/W.
The reason I was obsessing about Brooke Shields last week was because I heard the business was re-issuing the jean she wore in the famous adverts from 1980, and the thought excited me. To my mind jeans are totally off-trend. The thought of squeezing into my old skinny jeans abhors my mind (and my body), and yet the shape of the "Brooke" jeans strikes me as the only jean shape that seems entirely right for now.
Lets examine the form. The big return to trousers as a fashion staple is upon us for Autumn. Gap have used trousers as the backbone of their Autumn collection. The best trousers now are higher waisted, hug the hips, lengthen the legs.
In fact, so right for now is this jean, that when news leaked last week that Calvin Klein Jeans were issuing a 2010 update to the 1980 jean Brooke modelled, their phones went into meltdown with people asking for the shape.
Calvin Klein insist the jeans are not identical, more of an update on the style, but that snug fit on the rear, and the cheeky baby-kick are in place making them perfect to wear with the tucked-in feminine silky blouses and petit-stiletto's or college-inspired flats that are about to hit the shops.
This jean shape really does have it all – it minimises thighs, accentuates the hip/waist ratio, lengthens legs, and looks totally now to boot. It is not just Calvin Klein who are picking up on their iconic denim looks of the early 80’s, we have found similar styles that span the price spectrum. In the name of sharing the jean love, here they all are!
'Hunter' Jeans, £185 by James Jeans
'Scarlet' rinse wash jeans, £45 by Oasis
Blue high waisted £150 by 7 for All Mankind at My Wardrobe
'Martha' jeans £40 by Topshop
'Starcy' slim bootcut £89 by Nudie Jeans at My Wardrobe
Indigo bootcut, £39.99 by River Island
So all you have to do now is take your pick! Trust us, nothing will come between you and your jeans all season...Nothing!
(Brooke Shields image copyright Calvin Klein/Richard Avedon archive)
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Fashion Frisson # 2 MCQUEEN'S FINALE
Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education, Shop Clothes Online, Radiology Information Social Work and Education
The moment I set eyes on this incredible jacket/dress/coat at the iconsolably sad McQueen presentation in Paris last March, I needed it in my life. Not just because it is beautiful and incredible and wearable and an heirloom, but also because, to me, it totally encapsulates Lee's romantic genius as a designer in its simplest and most direct form.
Trying to make the most of being in London this month (even though the weather is beyond dreary) I attended the McQueen boutique on Old Bond Street this lunchtime After being looked at strangely and then ignored by one shop assistant I managed to gain the attention of the manager and asked her if I could view this piece.
"Oh! Mademoiselle, what size are you?" asked the beautiful blonde, before we decided I was a McQueen size 42. "Oh!" she said again, making me feel something was terribly wrong. "You might not be able to get this. The waiting list is oversubscribed already."
Meaning? "Well, the item is arriving in mid-September, but the waiting list is long, please write your name and number down." Taking this to mean my name might come up if I'm lucky I put my name down. Then, as an afterthought, I asked the price. "£6,600," she said.
I am still in shock. But, oddly, the price has not put me off. I still want the item. If my name comes up on the list perhaps I could buy a share in one??
Hmmm. Will ponder.
The moment I set eyes on this incredible jacket/dress/coat at the iconsolably sad McQueen presentation in Paris last March, I needed it in my life. Not just because it is beautiful and incredible and wearable and an heirloom, but also because, to me, it totally encapsulates Lee's romantic genius as a designer in its simplest and most direct form.
Trying to make the most of being in London this month (even though the weather is beyond dreary) I attended the McQueen boutique on Old Bond Street this lunchtime After being looked at strangely and then ignored by one shop assistant I managed to gain the attention of the manager and asked her if I could view this piece.
"Oh! Mademoiselle, what size are you?" asked the beautiful blonde, before we decided I was a McQueen size 42. "Oh!" she said again, making me feel something was terribly wrong. "You might not be able to get this. The waiting list is oversubscribed already."
Meaning? "Well, the item is arriving in mid-September, but the waiting list is long, please write your name and number down." Taking this to mean my name might come up if I'm lucky I put my name down. Then, as an afterthought, I asked the price. "£6,600," she said.
I am still in shock. But, oddly, the price has not put me off. I still want the item. If my name comes up on the list perhaps I could buy a share in one??
Hmmm. Will ponder.
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Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education, Shop Clothes Online, Radiology Information Social Work and Education
Posted by Fashion Editor at Large

If you don't know what I'm bambling on about check out my blog post from almost two weeks ago, then click on the link below for your chance to win.
This is the "Iconic Handbag of 2010" as nominated by practically every fashion editor in the world.
This handbag costs £2,200.
The very beautiful Celine Classic handbag in the photo above will belong to one extremely lucky lady (or ladyboy) before Paris Fashion Week begins at the end of September.
I wish it was me, but I can't enter.
or if a mantra works better for you, click here: The Celine Classic Will be Mine
You will be directed to a forthcoming fashion website some friends of mine are starting up next year. I am helping them now and again, which is why I get to launch the competition.
Fashion Editor at Large

At last! The day has arrived! Your chance to win the most desirable and chic handbag of the year has come. (Sorry its a bit late, technical stuff held it up.)
If you don't know what I'm bambling on about check out my blog post from almost two weeks ago, then click on the link below for your chance to win.
This is the "Iconic Handbag of 2010" as nominated by practically every fashion editor in the world.
This handbag costs £2,200.
The very beautiful Celine Classic handbag in the photo above will belong to one extremely lucky lady (or ladyboy) before Paris Fashion Week begins at the end of September.
I wish it was me, but I can't enter.
or if a mantra works better for you, click here: The Celine Classic Will be Mine
You will be directed to a forthcoming fashion website some friends of mine are starting up next year. I am helping them now and again, which is why I get to launch the competition.
Fashion Editor at Large
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Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education, Shop Clothes Online, Radiology Information Social Work and Education

Paris was lovely, just the tonic we needed, we strolled around, chatted, laughed, ate some reasonable food and drank some yummy red wine.
And then it rained all Sunday...
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Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education, Shop Clothes Online, Radiology Information Social Work and Education
Posted by Fashion Junior at Large
After months of anticipation, Vintage at Goodwood festival made its debut today, and it looked a little something like this....
Lots of beautiful people....
And others being made to look beautiful....
A catwalk show featuring beautiful Biba-ites...(plus festival organiser Wayne Hemingway)
Then some not-so beautiful rain. Boo.
Thankfully there were vintage stalls to keep us entertained, plus the sudden cold and dreary weather meant I just HAD to buy a peach mohair jumper (excuse tired 'festival' face in pic below)
But ultimately mud stopped play and there was no way I could walk around in my heeled brogues without completely obliterating them. Here's hoping for practical footwear and sunny skies tomorrow!
(For more pics from the day, please see the Fashion Junior's blog)
After months of anticipation, Vintage at Goodwood festival made its debut today, and it looked a little something like this....
Lots of beautiful people....
And others being made to look beautiful....
A catwalk show featuring beautiful Biba-ites...(plus festival organiser Wayne Hemingway)
Then some not-so beautiful rain. Boo.
Thankfully there were vintage stalls to keep us entertained, plus the sudden cold and dreary weather meant I just HAD to buy a peach mohair jumper (excuse tired 'festival' face in pic below)
But ultimately mud stopped play and there was no way I could walk around in my heeled brogues without completely obliterating them. Here's hoping for practical footwear and sunny skies tomorrow!
(For more pics from the day, please see the Fashion Junior's blog)
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Working through the tough times
Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education, Shop Clothes Online, Radiology Information Social Work and Education
Things have been a little tougher than normal in the Wife in the City household recently. There's something on the horizon which is taking a lot of thinking and is quite big. And big stuff tends to have an impact on relationships. J and I deal with things in different ways. I talk, talk, talk and work through things by talking aloud (sometimes this gets me in trouble but most of the time it works for me). He doesn't talk (until I piss him off so much by niggling he finally breaks, which is never a good way to extract information). But we also focus on different aspects so get caught in that moment of mis-click where you're both aiming for the same point via a different path and those paths sure as hell don't cross.
The thing is we're married. We got married to work together through big and tough things (or a big and scary as trademarked by Peonies). And we're working through it. I cry and he hugs me close and tells me it'll all be okay. Or we work through how it'll be okay and what the options are. But it's hard, in all the time we've been together (almost eight years) things have always been relatively easy, university, jobs, family, living. So having a challenge is probably good for us but it's also unchartered territory, and as such just takes a bit of getting used to.
And when we have a tough week and come out of it smiling I know we'll be okay. Because we have invested in this relationship too much for it not to be okay. And because I love J too much not to work through a slightly tougher than normal time.
And then soon I'll finally share this thing which has been chewing at us. Until then my apologies for horribly cryptic posts. And hopefully I'll be perkier after we return from Paris this weekend!
The thing is we're married. We got married to work together through big and tough things (or a big and scary as trademarked by Peonies). And we're working through it. I cry and he hugs me close and tells me it'll all be okay. Or we work through how it'll be okay and what the options are. But it's hard, in all the time we've been together (almost eight years) things have always been relatively easy, university, jobs, family, living. So having a challenge is probably good for us but it's also unchartered territory, and as such just takes a bit of getting used to.
And when we have a tough week and come out of it smiling I know we'll be okay. Because we have invested in this relationship too much for it not to be okay. And because I love J too much not to work through a slightly tougher than normal time.
And then soon I'll finally share this thing which has been chewing at us. Until then my apologies for horribly cryptic posts. And hopefully I'll be perkier after we return from Paris this weekend!
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Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education, Shop Clothes Online, Radiology Information Social Work and Education
Posted by Fashion Editor at Large
The first in an occasional series. Watch and weep as Brooke Shields gives us an AW 2010 fashion lesson from 1980 with a pair of Calvin Klein jeans a silky gold blouse and some matching ballet pumps.
The first in an occasional series. Watch and weep as Brooke Shields gives us an AW 2010 fashion lesson from 1980 with a pair of Calvin Klein jeans a silky gold blouse and some matching ballet pumps.
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Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education, Shop Clothes Online, Radiology Information Social Work and Education
This is the road from where we stay in Chora down to the beach at Petra.

Meet Manoli the captain of the boat we were lucky enough to invited onto almost every day of our break. Thanks to our dear friend Joan Rolls and her close family friend Nick Contomichalos (who owns the boat) we spent many wonderful days pootling from bay to bay around Patmos.
This is Aspronisi. You can only get to the "white island" when the sea is calm.
Meet Joan Rolls and her jeep "Hercules". Joan is the reason we go to Patmos; she has been holidaying here for 26 years and everyone on the island knows her. When we see her careering down the hill from Chora to Skala in Hercules, we think the people who made Mamma Mia the movie MUST have been inspired by her for the character played by Meryl Streep.

Saying hi from our picnic on the white island.

This is the shoe shop in Skala. The lady who runs it is at least 80. I love the sign outside. The old timer in the frame is typical of the local seafaring men who are heavy of moustache and have these macho peacockish walks.
On quite a few mornings I walked down from Chora - thats it in the distance at the top of the hill - to Skala using this wide stony road which must be 900 years old. The road was built in the decades after the monastery of St John the Divine (also known as St John the Theologian) was finished; the monastery is the darker structure dominating the skyline. Chora is the white sugar-cube housing surrounding it, incidentally Chora is a UNESCO world heritage site
The view down to Skala from almost the same point as the previous shot.
All the buildings in Chora have incredible door-knockers.
This is the doorway into the house we rented.
Greek islanders traditionally use distinctive azure blue paint for their woodwork. In Patmos the locals prefer this shade of pale blue which exactly matches the colour of the sky above and around Patmos.
One day I spotted some workmen using the colour while repainting a door. It enchanted me in a stupidly romantic way that there is a brand of paint aimed at the Greek Islands climate. Of course its obvious that there would be one, but seeing it made me smile.The workmen thought I was crazy wanting a shot of the paint pot...
This is a shot of Skala as you drive around the curve of the bay from Grikos
The beach at Diakofti is the best spot from which to enjoy the sunset.
After a week on Patmos we were rewarded with a full moon (our first one in three visits). It was a magical night
Photos: Fashion Editor at Large
Posted by Fashion Editor at Large
There is a very good reason for my silence over the last three weeks. The below location swallowed me up, and took me away from city and connected life. Eventually, it delivered a sense of peace. You can travel and be on the move, or travel and be still. In a place as perfect as Patmos you can have it all.

Meet Manoli the captain of the boat we were lucky enough to invited onto almost every day of our break. Thanks to our dear friend Joan Rolls and her close family friend Nick Contomichalos (who owns the boat) we spent many wonderful days pootling from bay to bay around Patmos.
This is Aspronisi. You can only get to the "white island" when the sea is calm.
Meet Joan Rolls and her jeep "Hercules". Joan is the reason we go to Patmos; she has been holidaying here for 26 years and everyone on the island knows her. When we see her careering down the hill from Chora to Skala in Hercules, we think the people who made Mamma Mia the movie MUST have been inspired by her for the character played by Meryl Streep.

The view down to Skala from almost the same point as the previous shot.
All the buildings in Chora have incredible door-knockers.
This is the doorway into the house we rented.
Greek islanders traditionally use distinctive azure blue paint for their woodwork. In Patmos the locals prefer this shade of pale blue which exactly matches the colour of the sky above and around Patmos.
One day I spotted some workmen using the colour while repainting a door. It enchanted me in a stupidly romantic way that there is a brand of paint aimed at the Greek Islands climate. Of course its obvious that there would be one, but seeing it made me smile.The workmen thought I was crazy wanting a shot of the paint pot...
The beach at Diakofti is the best spot from which to enjoy the sunset.
After a week on Patmos we were rewarded with a full moon (our first one in three visits). It was a magical night
Why Patmos is Perfect
No airport
No tourist chain hotels
No swimming pools, just quiet uncommercialised beaches
Great swimming
The cruise ships only stay for four hours; when you see people viewing the island through a camera, you know they will be gone soon
Just heard from friends still there that Hamish Bowles and a mega A-list Oscar winning actress and her kids (don't want to compromise her privacy) arrived (not together) this weekend
The rest must stay my secret. I'm under strict orders!Photos: Fashion Editor at Large
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