Clothes Swap

Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education, Shop Clothes Online, Radiology Information Social Work and Education On Saturday my sister hosted a clothes swap party. It was a first for both of us and actually for the other girls who came too. And it was great fun!

We started with some wine and nibbles, to get us in the mood and getting to know each other a bit. Then we all displayed our wares... Which was quite fun, you feel like you want to sell your clothes as it would be sad to bring them all and then bring them all home again.

And then the fun began. The trying on. We all dived in and picked up pieces we liked, tried them, laughed or oohed and went on to the next piece. Gradually some pieces worked better on some people and piles grew of the clothes that were liked.

Once we had all finished going through everything we had what could be called an auction. Kind of. Each person in turn lifted up pieces they liked and on the whole they were uncontested. The couple of items that were contested were just agreed about by the people who wanted them. How much they wanted them how many other pieces they had etc.

I came away with a dress, two tops and a pair of shoes. I also got rid of a skirt and a couple of tops. So pretty even.

I would definitely do this again, when I have enough clothes to give away. I'm still trying to build up my wardrobe to contain enough stuff I love to be able to swap items!