The above are a very cute pair of sun bears. Apt because we are not having much sun here at the moment. The rain has been persistently showery and catches you in the oddest moment. It's very frustrating.
However last night was a beautiful summer evening. The dusk light was stunning, grey clouds scattered across a pinkish sky. I was walking home from a later than normal work finish through St James park and thinking how lucky I am to walk to and from work through some beautiful bits of London.
And to finish up an old story, this weekend I'm off to my sister-in-laws hen do. I asked her about it and she reassured me that of course she wanted me to come. So I'm off to down to the South Coast of England for a Spa day followed by a night on the tiles. Shall report more on Monday! Although no photos I forgot my camera...
Hope you're all having lovely Friday's and have great weekends!