The next day it was less humid but somehow hotter. About 30C (about 86f), and so today we decided to venture a little further. Into the car we hopped off on our way to another country, Monaco! A strange place, beautiful in many ways, but so crowded and so very wealthy. Below is Monaco harbour with some of the many yachts there.
Then lunch overlooking the harbour but in the shade. The restaurant was one our friends know and it certainly lived up to their and our expectations. I had some yummy salmon, J a huge burger and our friends chicken curry :)
We mostly drank Rose, which in France is more of a grey pink, and is dry and just so yummy and refreshing on a hot summer day. I would recommend it, most of the ones we drank were I think Vin du pays du Var.
On the way back to the car ready to get to the airport we spotted this black yacht. Perfect for a James Bond baddie mais oui?
So all in all a lovely lovely weekend, spent with great company, in fabulous sunshine and with lots of good food and wine. Poifect!