Here goes on the 10 things...
- I crave broccoli sometimes, especially when hungover or feeling like I have a cold
- Apparently I have long narrow feet, or at least the last two people who have been serving me while I've been buying shoes have told me this
- I am very easily distracted, especially when in a restaurant and there's an interesting conversation on the next table
- One of my favourite things is sharing meals with people, and the good conversation which normally goes with them
- I don't really like travelling on the tube. I avoid it where possible and mostly get the bus. Cheaper too!
- I love false eyelashes, they are the best
- Before I have children I want to drive the west coast of America
- I currently can't drive... Nor can J :)
- I shout at the TV and radio quite regularly, worryingly so perhaps...
- I also cry regularly while watching TV, any wedding, engagement, death, sad moment and I'm off
Everybody Says Don't
A Rose beyond the Thames
Color Me Green
Blog Goggles
Our Day by Design
Peacock Feathers & Diamond Rings
Holy Hanna... Wholly Krista!
M x