Happy Friday

Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education, Shop Clothes Online, Radiology Information Social Work and Education It finally feels like autumn is creeping in so above is a photo I took while back at my parents a weekend or so ago. This is in my back garden, where I grew up. I love that garden and all the memories it holds or playing as a child.

And of course, it's Friday! Another week passed, a few more ticks on the to-do list plus of course the other items added... I also just spoke to J, he's finished the walk with his dad and they're one their way back home. Well done him.

Off to see an old friend tonight and a costume party tomorrow night. Plus on Sunday a new friend and a sister. All in all a good weekend. And of course with each day a little closer to J coming home :)

Wishing you all the nicest autumnal weekend's, M x