Meme - Ten things about me

Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education, Shop Clothes Online, Radiology Information Social Work and Education The lovely Being Brazen (go read her blog if you haven't already) recently awarded and tagged me. Which is very exciting! So I now have to tell you ten things about myself and of course display my very pretty award :)

Here goes on the 10 things...
  1. I crave broccoli sometimes, especially when hungover or feeling like I have a cold
  2. Apparently I have long narrow feet, or at least the last two people who have been serving me while I've been buying shoes have told me this
  3. I am very easily distracted, especially when in a restaurant and there's an interesting conversation on the next table
  4. One of my favourite things is sharing meals with people, and the good conversation which normally goes with them
  5. I don't really like travelling on the tube. I avoid it where possible and mostly get the bus. Cheaper too!
  6. I love false eyelashes, they are the best
  7. Before I have children I want to drive the west coast of America
  8. I currently can't drive... Nor can J :)
  9. I shout at the TV and radio quite regularly, worryingly so perhaps...
  10. I also cry regularly while watching TV, any wedding, engagement, death, sad moment and I'm off
And now topass on the award and the tag if you want as well, I would certainly enjoy reading your ten things! But also really a nice excuse to pass on the love and award to some of the blogs I have really been enjoying recently.

Everybody Says Don't
A Rose beyond the Thames
Color Me Green
Blog Goggles
Our Day by Design
Peacock Feathers & Diamond Rings
Holy Hanna... Wholly Krista!

M x